CWorld Site




Github Activities:

github activities

If you think it would be useful or interesting to collaborate on a project, you can donate to support my work or contact me to discuss a project.

Checkout sponsorship


➕ Pure New Tab [Browser Extension]
A open-source, clean and minimalistic new tab page extension
📊 Novel Analysis [Web]
📊 Novel Analysis [Web]
A simple project for analyzing Chinese novels
📒 Notie [Android]
Android note App complies with Material You specifications, developed using Java
💌 Fluent Mail [Desktop]
A program to send and recieve emails with attachments supported by C++, Qt and SQL
⛅ PureWeather [Android]
Weather at a glance! Current and forecast weather for anywhere in the world
📷 Kinect Camera Netural [Desktop]
An AI program that using Kinect camera and shows netural network and human skeleton

Some old projects

Poker Hover Effect [Web]
A demo HTML program that shows poker hover effect only using CSS
Effect of Browser Multi-Window Stacking [Web]
A demo program that shows effect of browser multi-window stacking
Vue Login [Web]
A simple Vue designed login program
Student Score System [Desktop]
A student performance management system built using Qt and developed using C++
Momotap [Web]
A mainland China friendly version extracted from Momotap
Aircraft Booking System
Aircraft booking system for terminal ui using C lan


🎨 Astro Theme Pure
A simple, fast and powerful blog theme built by Astro
🏓 pingpong-calculation
A calculation of pingpong play sport using go and rust
🏓 pingpong-simulation
A simulation and calculation of pingpong play sport using unity 3d
🤖 Arknights Telegram Bot
Telegram Bot for Arknights
🤖 PaiGram
Telegram robot, query the official Genshin information
📊 Novel Data
The data repository of novel analysis
🧮 N Queens Problem
A solution of solving N Queens Problem
🛠️ Gaussian NB
Simulating the Parsimonious Bayesian Algorithm with Python and Finding the Probability Prediction of Breast Cancer
📊 Business Data Analysis
Using python and jupyter notebook to analyze the data of electrical appliances, and then using the data to predict the sales of electrical appliances

Some old projects

Search Switcher
Add links to each other in search engines
Pure Baidu
Baidu search page beautification module


Rust Learning
Some notes and code about CWorld learning Rust
Unity Learning
Some notes and code about learning Unity
Matlab Learning
Some notes and code about learning Matlab
Operation System Principle Learning
Operation System Principle Learning
Some notes and code about CWorld learning Operating System Principle
Computer Composition Principle Learning
Computer Composition Principle Learning
Some notes and code about CWorld learning Computer Composition Principle
Database Learning
Database Learning
Some notes and code about learning Database
Computer Network Learning
Computer Network Learning
Some notes and code about learning Computer Network
Data Analysis Learning
Data Analysis Learning
Some notes and code about learning Data Analysis
Linux Learning
Linux Learning
Some notes and code about learning Linux
R Learning
R Learning
Some notes and code about learning R language

Some old projects

Java Learning
Some notes and code about learning Java
C Learning
Some notes and code about learning C language
Vue Learning
Some notes and code about learning Vue


Personal *unix dotfiles
Neovim Config
Personal Neovim config files
CWorld Website
CWorld's personal website

GPG Signature

You can verify the authenticity of the files I signed by checking the GPG signature. My GPG key is 0CFDE5AC865A9148, and you can find it on the opengpg key servers or download from it.

Checkout my key


Please leave a message or contact me proactively after sponsorship.


Thanks to the following sponsors:

Name Amount Date
C*a(酷安@暴走の蜗牛) 2.00 2019-07-02
华雄(QQ:1300****71) 5.00 2019-12-30
◌(QQ:1934****45) 3.00 2019-12-30
Anonymous 20.00 2022-04-06